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Online Certificate Program Course Listings

Course Group:

Providence, grace, and evil

Class 1:



‘Providence’ will focus on St. Thomas Aquinas’ treatment of the divine governance of the     universe. Of particular consideration will be questions how God orders the universe, the     scope of the divine of that ordering, the infallibility of divine providence, and how creaturely     free will is congruent with God’s providence. We will also briefly consider the competing     theory of Molinism. 

(Instructor: Taylor Patrick O'Neill, PhD)

Class 2:


Grace and Predestination

‘Grace and Predestination will focus on St. Thomas Aquinas’ treatment of the mystery of     predestination and how it is executed via grace. We will consider important topics such as     election ante praevisa merita, the distinction between the antecedent and consequent divine     will, physical premotion, sufficient and efficacious grace, and the differences between     election and reprobation. We will also briefly consider the important differences between St.     Thomas and John Calvin on predestination.

(Instructors: Taylor Patrick O'Neill, PhD)

Class 3:


Sin and the Problem of Evil 

This course will explore the mystery of evil and how it relates to the order of God's providence, both at the level of the individual and at the level of the entirety of the created order. We will treat evil on the metaphysical level and consider its relation to divine causality and human freedom. Is God incapable of preventing all evil? If He could prevent all evil, why doesn't He do so? We will also cover the question of natural evil. 

(Instructor: Taylor Patrick O'Neill, PhD)

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